Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Bubbles in Africa

See my little guy with the green bowl...that's my shadow.
P.S. look at that future hall of famer about 2 feet off the ground.

Here is my two little boys that I wanted to keep for my own. They are in front of the boy in the blue shirt.

The happiness just shines out of them!

Okay, so sweet Tammy had packed us a lunch to eat during our mid day break. I had lost track of time because I was enjoying these beautiful faces too much. Finally, Tammy convinced me to come sit in the car and eat my food. I put the bubbles away and started walking to the car but all the children started pulling on me and telling me not to leave. I had to convince them that I was not leaving, only eating my food and that I would get back out when I was finished. Once I got in the car all the children crowded around and and smashed their little faces and there "I love you" hands on the window. So think about how I felt, here I am knowing that these children don't even know what it feels like to have full belly, staring at me while Tammy hands me a sandwich. It was a little hard to have an appetite. I could hear Josephs voice telling the children to get away from the car so we could eat and they slowly dipursed...but two. My little guy and his older brother stayed next to the car and leaned against the brick wall of Josephs house. Every so often he would look up at me, wave and flash his electric grin. I love that smile. It makes my heart giggle. We sat in the car and talked about our day so far. Every so often I would look up an expect that little boy to be gone, off running with the other kids But no, there he was, another wave and smile. Another young boy showed up and tried to get the older brother to come and play. The older brother tried to get the younger one to come along but he wouldn't so they both left him behind to stand at this car and wait. Wait for what? I was not exactly sure.
When Ryan is done with his sandwhich I gave up on nibbling at mine. Ryan opened his car door and at that moment I knew what that little man was waiting for. ME! He ran to my door and threw it open, practically jumping on me. I was so content and in love at that moment. He is the sweetest ball of chocolate I have ever met!
He holds my hand tightly as I walk through the yard of half finished brick structures to my classroom. The kids are already in ther seats and are so excited when I come back in . My little shadow squeezes in between two girls sharing the front desk.

I am more relaxed and feel at home. I decide to try playing some reading games. I write an "A" on the board and ask "Tell me what starts with "A"". I am waiting for the american answer "Apple". "Angel", "Abraham", and lots of other bible words get thrown out at me. It is strange to me because we can't mix religon and school in america but that is all these kids know. I begin to wonder if they even know what an apple is. We go through the whole alphabet in this same manner. I think they named every old phrophet in the bible. Some of the children are named after people in the bible and this was a great cause of celebration when I got to their letter. Kathy Westerby came to check on me and see how I has doing. She spotted the tiny boy sitting in his comfortable spot.
"You are in the wrong place, you better come with me to the preschool."
I wanted to plead with her to leave him but she took his hand and walked away. I watched him as the left already missing his incredable smile. Then he turns around and smiles at me once more except this time there is this mischievious look in his eyes which said
"I got away with that for so long."
He was the cutest little sluffer I ever saw!
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