Monday, February 8, 2010

The Ghana Boys

I know the boys names! These are the same boys from previous post of mine in Africa. I have learned of them in more detail just resently in my quest to figure out what the Lords plan for me is. I have made many new great friends over the past 3 weeks. Thank you for sending me pictures. These are two of my most favorite faces in the world. Maybe someday I will see them on a daily basis. Only my Heavenly Father knows how this story ends.

( I have removed their story as of 4/2/10. To see why read this.)

They are very small for their age. However, to me they are giants! When I look at them I feel as if I am looking into the eyes of my Savior. Faith, hope, love, sacrifice are all characteristics of the Savior that I hope to master some day but these boys, so young and under privledged have mastered it already. Without knowing their story they touched my heart the moment I saw them. They embody everything I believe in the world. I have been so blessed to know them.

The hard thing is that I find myself thinking of them before I go to sleep and imaging them in my home, waking me up and asking for breakfast. I see the younger one playing with my son (jumping on beds and getting into trouble) and a the older one being protective of my girls. I wake up thinking about if their bellies are full or not. I also feel an urgency in time. Every day that goes by is one day less to getting them what they need. I try not to let myself go there but it is hard. It is too easy to see them as mine and that scares me a little.

I know that Heavenly Father is guiding me through this process and I need to have faith that he knows my children and he knows the timeline. Whatever happens will be what he wants to happen.

So...until then....still waiting

1 comment:

  1. what the...what??? ok, first of all, i didn't even know this blog EXISTED, otherwise i would have put it on my google reader. second of all, WHAT????? sigh, we seriously don't spend enough time together cause i clearly don't know anything that's going on with you guys. or any of the family, for that matter. i may as well still be on the other side of the world! just want to say i hope things keep going on the path you're on and that i'm excited for you!!! you are an inspiration to me, aimee, i mean that.
