Saturday, February 6, 2010

Goodbye to Lucky Hills

I spent the rest of my day singing songs, reading books, and answering questions about that wonderful land called America. The kids see it as a magically land, kind of like the way I used to think Oz or Narnia when I first read those books or heard those stories. Ryan joined me for a while and took pictures. I did not know what time it was when it actually came time to going home. Ryan came back to the class and told me that not only was school out but it had been out for a while. He asked me if I heard the bell. I did not hear anything. I asked the kids if they heard it and they all said yes. When I asked them why they did not tell me they could leave they said it was because they loved me.
It was hard to fight back tears. I began to tell them goodbye and they began to cry. Grabbing at my arms and hands, they kissed me wherever they could. They pleaded to sing one more song and the only song I could think of was I am Child of God. I knew that most of their lives would be filled with heartache and unimaginable struggles. Joseph did a very good job taking cre of them for African standards but they could only find shelter here for so long. I knew that if they knew they were a child of God, there life would have so much more meaning. I began to sing and to my suprise they all sang along with me. Joseph had taugh them this much already. What a good man. But the flood gates can't hold back my tears when the spirit is so near and I wept. Kissing there little fuzzy heads and chocolate cheeks.

I litarally had to tear myself out of there. My heart was so heavy to leave them. I left the brick classroom and began to walk back to the car when someone called out. It was Eric, the older boy in my class that day.
I will never forget the conversation that took place. Not only because of how deeply it pierced my heart but how the Lord gave me the words to say.
Eric pleaded that I take him with me to America. He kept saying how he did not have a father. I told him I could not take him with me. He again told me that he did not have a father and he needed one. We both were crying as I searched for the words to comfort this boy.
"Eric," I said "You do have a father. You have a father in heaven. Your Heavenly Father loves you and knows you and hears you. He is speaking to you all the time and you need to listen to him and talk to him. He will help you grow to be a good man and take care of his children" I hugged him and we cried. I turned and headed once more for the car.
With the car insight I heard my name and turned once more. It was Kathy. She was giving the underwear I had brought to the nannies. ( Thank you to everone who donated underwear and books) She asked if I could explain to them that superman was for boys and princess are for girls. I started to, then it dawned on me...It did not matter. If the girls want to wear the super hero undies then so be it. Its underwear...just something to cover a naked bum is great. Kathy agreed with me and we laughed at our logical american reasoning. We took a few pictures as Thank you and hugs were shared with the wemon. I could see my little man laying on the mattress in the room. I was glad to not say good bye to him. Of all the kids there I wanted to keep him for my own.

Finally I got to the car and sat next to Ryan in the back seat. I told everyone not to talk to me for a minute and I burried my face in my hands and cried.
Sad for those children who do not have a home,
greatful for those children that are happy anyway
Thankful for the life I have and
extremly blessed that Heavenly Father would allow me
one day in Heaven.

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