Wednesday, February 10, 2010

In a good place ...for now

Here are the boring details.
All of our paperwork is in.
Criminal background checks...check
family profile...check
reference letters...check
birth certificates...check
marriage certificate...check
financial summary...check
Medical profiles...check
Vet letter...check
family picture...check
Home evaluation... Heres the deal with that.

There is a domestic evaluation and a international evaluation. More questions and more money is involved with getting an international evaluation done. Normally you need a international home study with Haiti but they are trying to get these children out on a humanitarian visa so that would forgo the international process, we think. But this situation is so different that no one really knows and things change quickly. They (Families for children) told me to wait until we know for sure what will be needed and then they would send someone over and we would get the right evaluation done in a day. We are still on the core list of families and if it happens we are set. So we are unofficially officially done.

The past few weeks I have only been sure of two things...
#1. I have children somewhere
#2. I need to get my home study done and Heavenly Father would take care of the rest.
So I feel good that I have accomplished what I can on my own. Now we wait. In some ways that's the easy some ways its the hardest part. But the temple is my solace. When I enter I know that Heavenly Father is aware and making things happen. I feel close to him and safe in his arms. I know he knows the end of this story. I know he has his own time line. I know he knows that I am listening and willing to obey.
The power of the temple has never been so clear to me as it has been in the past month.It feels me with faith, keeps me in perspective and makes things clear to my mind.

On another note. I love R. I am so grateful to be his. He has been a doll during this whole thing. I am grateful for his testimony and worthiness. I am grateful he is willing to add to our already chaotic life. He is my best friend. I have this theory (if you will) called "full potential". It started out as a joke of sorts but it works well and I am grateful R played along and is still playing along.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Aimee- this is Jessi Bodell, Aprils friend. I'm so glad I found your blog! That's so neat you are going to adopt! It is something that I have always wanted to do as well, but I know it is in the far future for me. But I am glad that once we decide to, I will know who to turn to for help!
    I know the Lord will guide your footsteps in this wonderful yet challenging time in your life. Good luck with everything and I hope it goes smoothly for you!
